As soon as entrepreneurs begin or plan to commence a new business, they begin to hear these terms like TAN, PAN, DIN, and DSC more frequently. While an entrepreneur plans things and comes up with business approaches, there are also legal obligations that the business must accomplish. These legalities are essential at every step of setting up the business and further running it. Therefore, it first becomes important to know them thoroughly and get DIN/DSC/PAN/TAN assistance from the experts.
What is PAN?
PAN (Permanent Accountant Number) is an identification number assigned to all taxpayers in India. If nonresidents are holding NRO/NRE account in India, they shall update their PAN in bank. PAN is also required to be quoted while doing any financial transaction or remitting funds out of India.
Following documents are needed for applying for a PAN card online:
Identity proof: May be a photo id, ration card, passport, driving license, Aadhar card.
Address proof: Copy of electricity bill, landline telephone bill, water connection bill, and gas connection card that is not more than three months old, bank account statement, passport, passport of the spouse, voter ID card, Aadhar card, domicile certificate issued by the government.
Proof of date of birth:Birth certificate issued by the Municipal Corporation.
What is TAN?
Every Tax deductor is required to quote the TAN (Tax deduction and collection Account Number) while making any payment of tax to the Account of Central Government.When nonresidents sell their property in India, buyer deducting withholding tax has to file TDS return in India. This TDS return cannot be filed without obtaining TAN.The Tax deduction and collection Account Number starts with alphabets, followed by numerical digits, and again ends with an alphabet. For registration, no particular proof of identity is required. One needs to fill Form 49B and submit it through a process electronically facilitated by the Income Tax Department. For getting TAN in India, you can rely on fast and reliable NRI services.
What is DSC?
A lot of documentation today is in the electronic format and DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) help to establish the identity of the sender. It is required for income tax filing and MCA filings of companies in India. If you concerned about learning how to get digital signature in India, then NRI Services are here to assist you. We have made getting DSC in India easy and convenient for all.
What is DIN?
Any person intending to become a director in a company shall obtain DIN (Director Identification Number). And for getting DIN for Director in India, you would require the assistance of professionals.
Connect with us for fast and reliable NRI Services and get the job done professionally!